Halloween isn't a big deal in the UK and so it's quite the novelty for me -- I look forward to the trick or treaters and the various costumes they'll be donning. I have the largest mountain of candy waiting for them.
Have a spooktastic day!
I am tempted to have a go with the original kit/directions. But first I have a number of other projects that are begging to be finished.
I also have one Harley sock completed for my Dad. And I think it turned out alright after all. Just need to get cracking on the other one now... (if I can tear myself away from working on the shawl)
As soon as I head for my room, the two of them follow me in, place their heads on the edge of the bed and wait for the go ahead to jump up and join me whilst I knit.
I love this part of my day.
You'll see in the picture, I've started a new pair of socks -- my first toe-up pair. Why the change? With the cuff down approach I always try to gauge how long I can make the leg so that I'll have enough yarn left for the foot. I normally end up with yarn leftover that I'm not quite sure how to use. (unless I make more of these!) Working from the toe-up I can just keep going on the leg until I run out.
I finished them on travels to and from Portland this weekend.
(I've nicknamed them my Hotel Monaco socks because they mimic the colour scheme of the hotel we stayed in.)Pattern: Hedera by Cookie
Yarn: Koigu
Needles: Size 1 dpn
Started: May 2007
Finished: October 2007
And as usual, my knitting colleagues and creative directors (the B&B team) got in on the FO photography this morning!