I don't have a lot to report this week but I thought it about time to update the blog after a week of inactivity.
So what's new? I've received some great shipments from
Sundara yarn. The Petals Collection 2007 closed out on a high note -- Magnolia socks. I love this colourway. (Pretty much anything that has a shade of pink or red is going to be a winner with me). And I adore Magnolias - they remind me of home. My Uncle has about 8 Magnolia trees that line his back garden and they are stunning in the spring when the branches are lined with the papery white and pink blooms.

The petals collection has now closed and has been replaced by the Seasons Collection. I really like how Sundara set this up -- you pick a season based on the types of colours you are normally drawn to. I chose Spring because I love crisp, bright colours. My first shipment arrived this week and I LOVE IT! It's called Gooseberries. Aah another reminder of home. (I've never seen gooseberries here so I was surprised to see the colourway name.) I love these sharp greens and couldn't be happier with my first shipment. Although if I'd subscribed to
Autumn or
Winter I would have been equally pleased -- you've got to love Sundara's eye for colour and her high-quality yarns.

So here I am merrily typing away about the new yarn I've acquired after just writing about stashbusting. My husband thought it funny -- one week after announcing that I am on a yarn diet the lovely Sundara yarn arrives in the mail. In my defence I'd already signed up to the Seasons collection in September, so technically doesn't count, right. Right???? ;o)
I've done a little knitting too. I whipped up a mini Santa Hat. (I adore this pattern from Handknit Holidays and made a variety of them for family members last year.)

I've also done a little
stitches for britches knitting - Nachaele had pretty much received bulk orders for handknit dishcloths and so I frantically managed to churn out one set for her.

I'm about sick of the Tangled Yoke (as I'm sure you are if you read this blog regularly ha ha ha). But maybe I'll get it finished this weekend. The Harley socks for sure will get finished this weekend. Although I feel a disaster ahead... more to follow soon on that.
Bored of me yet? I'll sign off with this -- an early Christmas gift from my husband. We were in a toy store shopping for my 5-year old nephew and I saw this hand puppet. There was no way I was leaving the store without it!