7: Birds in the Air
My Frankenblock that is lacking in both contrast and skill! ;) There are 40 component parts in this piece. Yep, it was a tricky one for me :)))

8: Bouquet
I really enjoyed working on this one, and adding some Anna Griffin 'Carmen Collection' (the basket portion) to the Sandi Henderson 'Secret Garden' range that I've been using in the other blocks

9: Box
Scrumples courtesy of Naomi who thinks these squares are the perfect size to squeeze into a ball! (Of course I could have taken an iron to it, but I like that she was partaking in her own special way :)

10: Bowtie
Aah if only they were all this simple. I am really happy with how this block turned out - the points line up, the keys look great in those corner boxes, and there is a good amount of contrast between the fabrics. I'm hoping that it wasn't just the simplicity of the block... and that I'm actually improving with practice. :)

And here's how the first 10 look all lined up together. Pretty!

Hope you had a good crafty weekend too,
You are really cooking on these. Such luscious colors. Nice that Naomi can help out.
Looking good! Frankenblock has a ton of teeny tiny triangles, wow!
I look at these squares and, I think, these are very ironing intensive--that's the biggest thing holding me back from quilting. Ironing and I do not get along ;)
Your blocks are looking great! How fun that Naomi can help, too :)
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