Last weekend I decided to put the knitting down and go stamping with a girlfriend. It made for a nice change, and I have some cute Halloween cards and gift tags to show for it. Some fun goody bags will be winging their way to the UK this week.

We don't really celebrate Halloween in the UK, but it's a big deal over here. I kind of like it -- I enjoy seeing the various costumes on the kids in our neighbourhood and like to guess what they are when they arrive at my doorstep trick or treating. Last year was one of my favourites-- the girl was dressed in a big yellow square of foam. I though ha ha this is easy, you are Sponge Bob Square Pants. Alas no she informed me, she was a big piece of cheese! It was only a moment later that her friends, the cat and the mouse, appeared to round out the theme for me. (If you are not fron the US, you may be like me in thinking that Halloween is for dressing up in scary costumes... but it turns out any costume will do. )
The other reason I enjoy Halloween is that, for me, it marks the kick-off of the holiday season - Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas. And I love the holiday season.
So, speaking of Christmas, thanks for the advice on the projects -- I picked up the Christmas crafting again and worked some more on the red ribbon lace scarf. This is going to be really pretty when done, and I'm excited to gift to the intended recipient. It's a simple pattern repeat and is proving to be a perfect project as I'm getting caught up on the new seasons of Greys Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters etc...

I also worked on another Christmas gift (although I'm wondering if this will really be done by then). It's another version of
Dulle Griet's Bobby's Blanket. This time in Araucania cotton. I had a few leftovers of this yarn, and purchased some more to complement. I think it's going to be a fun blanket. And I love working on these addictive hexagons. This version especially because each side is only 10 stitches so it goes super fast! Jeanie asked (sorry Jeanie I had no way to contact you - I hope you see this) whether it is a difficult pattern. It's not. Anyone who can work socks on dpns can whip out one of these with ease. So get dipping into your leftover sock yarn ;o)

I received a couple of hints from Joe to work on his big sweater, so that's progressing nicely with the big chunky yarn and fat needles. And the weather this weekend has been perfect for huddling indoors -- cool, misty, damp... Perfect for sitting by the fire with a big cup of tea and basket full of projects.