Sunday, February 28, 2016

Birthday Fun

It's been a fun, yet busy, week with Naomi. She turned 6 and in honor of her birthday she got to be student of the week at school, which involves a daily activity: bring a poster to school about yourself, bring someone to school to read to the class; ... you get the idea. Add to this a music performance her class was giving on Tuesday evening; 100 days at Kindergarten on Friday day, and a Spanish festival on Friday night. Yup, quite the busy week!

100 days of school = dress like you are 100 years old

I hadn't heard of the 100 days of school activity prior to this year, but essentially the kindergartners get to celebrate their 100th day by dressing as though they are 100 years old.  Typically I'd go out and hunt for something, but given the hectic schedule we went searching through the closets at home. A simple dress and cardigan and a few props later, we were ready! The plastic glasses were a party giveaway, the faux pearls from a previous Christmas party, and maybe you recognize the shawl? It is the Handspun Henslow that I made many moons ago.

On top of the school activities, we've been working on the aprons for the birthday party.  That's right "we".  I can't tell you how pleased I was that Naomi wanted to play an active role in making these for her friends.  Cutting out the sleeve/pocket pattern, measuring and cutting the ribbons, and helping me stitch (sat on my lap, her hands on mine as we guide the fabric through the machine).  I was really impressed with how she got on.

Cutting the pattern

Little helper

Pom poms
Hello... it's me

The party was earlier today and they had such a wonderful time.  If you are in Colorado/Denver area, we went to Hot Pots in Littleton, and it is a great place with the most helpful staff. The space is beautifully decorated and there is room for the kiddos to be in a dedicated area of the store. I highly recommend it.
birthday girl

Well, time for me to put my feet up!
Hope you had a great weekend,
Sam xxx


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little Naomi!!!!!
She is soooo lovely Sam!!!

And she will be a crafty woman as her mother ;-)


Nicky said...

Sounds like a wonderful time was had by everyone! Happy Belated Birthday sweet Naomi!!! xo

sam said...

Thank you Daniela, I would be thrilled if she enjoyed crafts of some sort, but equally happy if she found her hobbies in some other area.

sam said...

Thank you, Nicki. I will show her these comments. Now that she is starting to read on her own, I think she will be tickled by these comments. Love to you, sam