All the aprons were super lovely and I would have been thrilled to receive any of them. But getting to pick first... ooh that was fun! :) Here are all the aprons, modelled by the lucky recipients:

Next month we are doing a name tag swap. Each participant wrote their name, and some basic guidelines on a piece of paper and we drew at random. I received Sara, who simply wanted something bright on a lanyard. I'd seen some pieced spool designs online and thought it would be fun to try my hand at creating one, and using the spool's "thread" to spell out the letter S. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, although it is a tad larger than I think it needs to be (more postcard size than name card size). Hey ho, at least it's not sandwich board big :))) and no-one has an excuse for missing her name.

I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this next swap.
Well, I hope you are well, friends?
It's been a little hectic here (mainly work, but also some bug that has worked its way round the 3 of us) which has resulted in low energy levels and no desire to craft (shocker... I rarely ever feel this way). Consequently I've not really had anything to blog about. All that to change... starting with fun Mummy Daughter sewing plans tomorrow, as soon as we are wrapped up with swim class (little water baby just loves going to the pool). Here's a fun swim pic that just makes me beam each time I see it:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Sam xxx