I've picked up a few decorations already and these adorable skeleton pajamas for Naomi (the pjs glow in the dark - how cool is that!). Also, when I was in Glenwood Springs a couple of weeks ago I found some cotton yarn on sale that just screamed Halloween to me. It is a Viking of Norway yarn made from cotton and milk (of all things!). I knew I could make a little something for Naomi out of it.
Last year I made Naomi a little shrug, and figured that I'd do the same again this year. It turned out to be really handy when she needed just a little something on top of her t-shirt to help take the chill off.

Here's the approach I took this year:
- US 3 needles
- Cast on 60 stitches
- Join to knit in the round
- K2,P2 rib for 10 rounds
- Continue knitting in the round in stocking stitch until sleeve is desired length
- Once sleeve is desired length, then you change from knitting in the round to knitting flat for the back of the shrug
- Knit flat until the back is the desired size
- Join back and knit in the round again until 2nd sleeve matches the 1st
- I also added a crochet edge around the opening of the back (if I'd had more yarn left I would have picked up stitches and done a k2,p2 rib)

Little miss was quite happy to model this today. She's also wearing the skirt that I made for her last year. I'd spent the night before Halloween creating this based on another skirt she had in her closet.... but the little miss decided that she didn't like it! Since I'd put in the work I was determined that it was going to be worn... and so poor Bella got the short straw and wore it as a ruffle collar!! (Oh, if only I had a picture!) This year thankfully Naomi seems to like it and it still fits... maybe we'll get some wear out of these items this October. Although probably not all in one go as I have here ha ha!
Enjoy the weekend,
Sam xxx