While I was at Fancy Tiger I did a little window shopping. Which turned into actual shopping, when these beauties came home with me. I'd been looking on Pinterest for a trick or treat tote to make for Naomi, and these fabrics are just the ticket! Loving the ouchy tooth image. Naomi got a kick out of that too!

The pattern I used is the Pocket Tote, Library Bag from Sugar Bee Crafts. It is a great pattern - well written with clear supporting photographs (her selection of fabric is adorable too!). I like that this is kid-sized and has some structure to it. Naomi thinks the tote is awesome, so we have a winner!

In addition to this sewing project I've been working on a little capelet cardigan for Naomi in the fun Madeline Tosh yarn that has the 'rainbow paint splats' on it. I am winging this one, so hoping that it works out nicely.

And of course continuing to plug away on the lace section of the rosewater shawl. This is such a fun color for Halloween... not sure if it will be finished in time though.

Hope you are having a great weekend,