Other than that, I've started the Christmas gift knitting... starting with the annual batch of felted slippers. Love those things - they look a little goofy, but wow they are so warm and comfy. I have various family members that ask for a fresh pair each year (and a pair typically takes 2-3 evenings to crank out). Also birthday knitting: I used some of the wonderful Phydeaux Yarn in a bulky weight, and made a little moebius cowl:

I really like how this turned out and will probably make myself one to go under my winter coat to add a pop of colour. The moebius cowl is a fun knit and here's a great YouTube video for how you cast on:
And finally I seem to be a cross stitch mood these days. I am back working on the princess castle that was gifted to me before Naomi was born. In fact before we even knew our little babe was going to be a girl. The fun thing is that Naomi likes to work on this with me - I locate the cross stitch hole and she likes to pull the needle and thread through. It's the little things, but it tickles me no end when she takes an interest in crafts.

I've also subscribed to a couple of stitchalongs from the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - 12 Days Of Christmas Sampler, and Gingerbread Lane. These are adorable and I'm really looking forward to getting started. One of the girls behind The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery has a fabulous blog - Hey PorkChop - I'd recommend you check it out. There is knitting, quilting, stitching... so many stunningly beautiful projects.
I hope you had a fun Halloween... little Miss thoroughly enjoyed hers. She was batgirl this year :) Such a cutie pie. I think she was as excited to dole out candy as she was to receive it!
Well, that's all I have for this evening.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Sam xxx