I found a gorgeous little dress for the day of the wedding and wanted to make a knitted something-something to go with it. You were so very kind with your suggestions from an earlier blog post, and in the end I decided to make the Whirligig shrug.

I couldn't be happier with the end result! The details in this pattern are adorable and the decadent hand painted silk yarn with the little glass seed beads strewn through it is fit for nothing less than a princess ;o))

Pattern: Whirligig Shrug by Stephanie Japel (from Interweave Knits 'Weekend 2009')
Yarn: Tilli Tomas Hand Paints (Beaded Lace, Stony Mist) - just over 1 skein... I had to break into the 2nd skein for the cast off edge. Boo!
Needle: US 4 (instead of the 6 called for in the pattern - I prefer the tighter fabric that was made with the smaler needle size), I went up a size to compensate - 12-18mths
Modifications: Other than the needle size, I chose to add a seed stitch border around the neckline (to match the hem and cuffs) instead of the edging in the original pattern.