Naomi is 6 weeks old now! I can hardly believe it. She's been keeping me quite busy (hence the absence from the blog world). 6 weeks on, and still the gifts are coming in. She's one lucky little lady! Here's a few handcrafted gifties that she received recently.
First is a selection of gorgeous sewn items that
Terri had gifted her. These are from Etsy seller
Francesca Baby. Aren't they pretty. I love the 'ducks in a row' pattern. There's belt covers (that we'll be using in her stroller), a wet bag with antimicrobial inside (for when we get caught outdoors with nowhere to put dirty/wet clothes), a burp cloth and a couple of bibs (we call Naomi the milk bandit when she's wearing the triangular one - soo cute!). Terri also made Naomi the very cute crocheted hat. Love the yarn - looks like ice cream colours to me. And this will be perfect for keeping the sun off in the summer; it's made from a lovely soft organic cotton.

My parents were over for a good 10 days or so (sooo much help, and lovely to have them here). They brought a bunch of gifties from friends and family back home. My sis sent with them a whole host of handcrafted goodies. First off there is the sock monster - how cool is this! (Hint, hint sis - I could fill up a whole shelf with a family of these ;o) And look how happy Naomi is with her sock monster! Thanks Jac xoxo

My sis also made a mobile for the nursery. What cracks me up is that Jac made a fuss about the yellow bird looking a bit pyscho. In fact I believe she almost wasn't going to gift this to Naomi, thinking that it wasn't good enough... are you kidding? It is AWESOME!!! I took a few pics of the felted birds on the mobile and also of Naomi looking at the mobile. This particular shot made me laugh because it looks like Naomi is shielding herself from said pyscho bird! LOL! Love the mobile. And Naomi loves it too -- she watches those little birds as they float over her in the crib.

Thanks for all the lovely gifts.
Next up, some actual knitting content!