The pattern is really well written and extremely flexible - wide neck vs tighter neck, short sleeve vs long sleeve, frilly picot edge vs standard cast off, buttons vs ribbon vs other... lots and lots of options to customize and make it your own unique version.

I used a slightly smaller needle than the pattern called for, and went up a size to compensate. I cast on for the wider neck because I figured the thinner yarn and smaller needle would end up producing a smaller neck than the one in the pattern - it turned out just as I'd hoped.

This is July's sweater for NaKniSweModo.
Pattern: Liesl by Ysolda
Yarn: Sundara Aran Silky Merino, Viridecsent - 2 skeins (only a very little bit left over)
Size: 36in
Needle: US 10.5
I'm so very happy with the end result. Just need to find a suitable button for the top.